Strypes Lab 2024

Start your IT Career with US!

What is Strypes Lab?

Strypes Lab is our main training initiative, aiming to upskill the technical knowledge of young professionals in Bulgaria and prepare them for their first career steps in the IT field. It covers 4 main areas of expertise: C/C++, Python, MatLab and Feature Integrator academy. 

Entirely remote, just two days per week, and for free – Strypes Lab is a gateway to an AWESOME career start in IT. All of our courses are conducted in Bulgarian language.

Strypes Lab gives you good basic knowledge in the subject that you will study and practice . Moreover, based on your performance during the courses, you might have the chance to join the Strypes team as a full-time employee!

Everybody who is accepted in the course and successfully finishes it will receive a contract and a certificate.

Strypes Lab 2024 happens in partnership with MNKnowledge.

Strypes Lab is organized by one of the biggest IT companies in Bulgaria – Strypes Group. For more than 15 years, we have been working on various IT projects for customers in different industries. We always try to support the Bulgarian IT community by participating in many IT events with our experts speaking on various topics, sponsoring  important initiatives and working on the idea to help more and more young professionals start their career in the sector. Learn more about Strypes.

Automation Feature Integrator

Welcome to Strypes Lab Feature Integrator Academy! We’re excited to introduce our revamped program: Strypes Lab Academy – Automation Feature Integrator.

But what exactly is an Automation Feature Integrator?

Picture this: you’ll be at the forefront of ensuring the top-notch quality of all software solutions integrated in a timely manner. Your playground? Collaborating within our team and directly with our esteemed customer, the world’s largest lithography machine producer.

As an integrator, you’ll dive deep into the Software Project Life Cycle, defining test strategies, crafting test specifications, executing tests, and automating them. Plus, you’ll play a crucial role in upholding software quality as the gatekeeper of every delivery.

What’s in store at the Automation Feature Integrator Academy?

Get ready for an immersive learning experience! Our intensive online course, conducted in Bulgarian(good command of English is a must), will equip you with both soft and technical skills. From MS Office to Linux, Shell Scripting, and QA, we’ve got you covered. And don’t worry if you’re new to Linux – we’ll start from scratch.

Excitingly, we’re adding Python basics to the curriculum, specifically tailored for automation (both testing and scripting). If you already have some Python knowledge, that’s a bonus!

Who should join?

Career changers, recent graduates, and IT enthusiasts looking to broaden their horizons are all welcome to apply. Unlike our other academies, there’s no entry or final exam here. Instead, those who demonstrate exceptional performance throughout the course will be selected for an interview, providing them with the opportunity to join our company.


During the Automation Feature Integrator training you will learn:

  • MS Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
  • Linux: CLI (Command Line Interface) usage, Files and strings operations, Regex, File/Directory Structure, How to searchfiles and strings, Archives, Remote connection, Shell scripts  
  • QA: SW Testing Fundamentals, Software Development Lifecycle, SW Bugs and Bug Tracking, Types of SW Testing Techniques
  • Python introduction, Data Types and Data Structures, Functions, Control Flow and Error Handling, Working with files, Object Oriented Programming, Classes – methods and variables, Regex, Testing, Automation 


The Automation Feature Integrator Classes will be  conducted remotely, after working hours (at 18:30), three times per week.

Аutomation Feature Integrator Academy Timeline

  1. Application process closes

  2. Opening

  3. Module 1: Business Coaching

  4. Module 2: Linux

  5. Module 3: QA

  6. Module 4: MS Office

  7. Module 5: Python

  8. Start your career


In this Python course, participants will embark on a comprehensive journey through the fundamentals and advanced concepts of the Python programming language. The curriculum is designed to equip learners with a solid understanding of Python’s syntax, data structures, object-oriented programming (OOP) principles, and practical application development. Here’s what participants can expect to learn:

By the end of this course, participants will have gained a strong foundation in Python programming, enabling them to develop a variety of applications and solutions efficiently.

During the Python  training you will learn:

  • Recursion. Lambda functions. Map and filter.

  • Self. Constructor. Class and object variables.

  • Object-oriented programming Intro. Self. Constructor. Class and object variables.

  • Polymorphism. Inheritance. Multiple inheritance. Introspection. 

  • Magic methods Method overriding. Super. Protocols. Iterators. Generators. 

  • Exceptions and testing Raising. Build-in exceptions. Own exceptions. Handling. Try-finally. Try-except-finally. Propagation. 

  • Working with files Opening files. Buffered reading. Reading from the standard input. File iterators. Closing files. Writing files.

  • GUI applications with Tkinter Architecture. Components. Creating a bigger project with Tkinter . Reusable design patterns in OOP Singleton, Factory, Decorator 

  • Working on the projects. Wrapping up. 

  • Project presentation

  • Intro to Linux grep, sed

  • Introduction to Python What is Python. Installation. Basic types – None, bool ,int, long. Input-output. Modules. Comments. Blocks. Conditional operators. PEP8, philosophy of the language.

  • List and tuples Indexing. Slices. None. Belonging. Functions. Methods. Tuples. Iteration. List comprehension. 

  • Strings str vs bytes. Literals Formatting. Methods. Cyphers as examples. 

  • Functions Definition. Documenting. Parameters. Functions as an argument. Named arguments. Undefined number of arguments. Unpacking. Visibility

The Python  training will be conducted remotely twice a week: Monday and Thursday at 18:30.

Python Academy Timeline:

  1. Application process closes

  2. Take the test

  3. Beginning of the course

  4. End of the course

  5. Start your career

Apply for our Academies by filling in the following form:

Whom is Strypes Lab for?

All students, recent graduates or professionals who want to further gain knowledge and develop within the IT sector are welcome to submit their applications. Note that all of our academies require some initial knowledge in programming prior to joining the course, apart from the Feature Integrator one.

Strypes Lab 2024 is open to people from all over the country as it will be fully online. You can join no matter the place as long as you have a stable Internet connection.

Strypes Lab is conducted in Bulgarian language.

Why Strypes Lab?

  • You will be guided by very experienced mentors.
  • It’s free.
  • You can study after business hours.
  • If hired, you don’t need to relocate and can work 100% remotely.
  • You will be able to enter the world of IT.
Applications are now open

Python Strypes Lab applications are now open!

Thank you for your interest in Strypes Lab 2022. Follow us on Facebook, Linkedin or Instagram to be the first to know about our future trainings and academies. 

Fill in the form:​


Associate Professor Boyko Bantchev, Ph.D.

Mr. Bantchev is a graduate from Sofia University and has been teaching there for many years. He is affiliated with the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. His professional focus is on research, experimentation, computer programming, and teaching in the fields of programming languages, geometric computing, vector computer graphics, and programming. Mr. Bantchev’s teaching experience includes lecturing in English and Russian.

Trayan Iliev

Trayan Iliev develops end-to-end reactive full-stack applications and services using ES, TypeScript, React, Angular, and Vue.js clients, and Flask (Python), Ktor (Kotlin), Express (TypeScript), Spring, Java EE, Reactor, Kafka,  and Golang back-ends. He has 18+ years of software development experience and 15+ years experience as an enterprise IT trainer. Trayan’s expertise covers novelties in front-end and REST/gRPC/GraphQL backend development – reactive UI, end-to-end reactive programming, distributed event stream processing, distributed machine learning, and real-time micro-service architectures. He is а real robotics / smart-things/ IoT enthusiast.

The application for September 2022 is now closed. Stay tuned for the upcoming Strypes Lab editions!

Follow us on Facebook, Linkedin or Instagram to be the first to know about our future trainings and academies. 

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